Media release

UK for UNHCR statement in response to the declaration of famine in Sudan


Emma Cherniavsky, Chief Executive Officer of UK for UNHCR, said: “We are deeply concerned by the confirmation of famine in Sudan’s North Darfur region. Displaced women, children and men are dying of hunger, malnutrition and disease at alarming rates. This is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of people forced to flee their homes, often multiple times, in the face of war and persecution.

“The brutal conflict in the region has displaced over 10 million people since last year, depriving them of basic services and exposing them to severe human rights abuses. As the violence persists, those seeking safety face increasingly desperate conditions.

“We urgently call for an end to the conflict and for humanitarian aid workers to be allowed unhindered access to reach those in need, to prevent further loss of life and alleviate suffering.

“At the same time, more support is desperately needed from partners and supporters to address the chronic underfunding of humanitarian efforts in Sudan.

“Our Sudan Emergency Appeal remains active, and we implore those who can, to continue to give generously. Your contributions are vital in providing lifesaving aid to the Sudanese people during this devastating crisis.”

For more information on how you can help, please visit UK for UNHCR’s Sudan Emergency Appeal at


For more information please contact:

Aisha Musad, Communications Officer, [email protected]

Notes to Editor

About UK for UNHCR

UK for UNHCR is the UN Refugee Agency’s national charity partner for the UK. We build solidarity, create partnerships and raise funds across the UK to help deliver global humanitarian relief for refugees through UNHCR’s work.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, leads international action to protect people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. It delivers life-saving assistance like shelter, food and water, helps safeguard fundamental human rights, and develops solutions that ensure people have a safe place to call home where they can build a better future. UNHCR also works to ensure that stateless people are granted a nationality.

UK for UNHCR is a registered charity in England and Wales (registered charity number 1183415).

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