A legacy of compassion: Richard and Jane’s gift to refugees
Honouring a lifelong commitment to human rights and shared humanity
UK for UNHCR supporter Richard decided to extend his commitment to refugees and human rights into the future, by leaving a gift in his Will to support our work. His late wife, Jane, also included a generous gift to UK for UNHCR in her Will. We talked to Richard about his decision.

Richard (right) alongside his late wife Jane.
“I first heard news reports about the world’s refugees when I was a child. My parents told me famous people like Albert Einstein and the Dalai Lama had been refugees, and how important it was that all refugees be protected. That left its mark on my young mind.
“Refugees have almost none of the societal support and protection on which we ordinarily rely. Not only are they in need of basic necessities such as food, shelter and medical care, but they are in flight from war, hatred and environmental devastation. I have seen this with my own eyes. I witnessed and filmed UNHCR at work in the world’s largest refugee camp on the Bangladesh/Myanmar border. People are completely dependent on humanitarian aid and protection that UNHCR and other agencies can provide.”
“The values of UNHCR are aligned with my own, but there is another aspect we don’t always think about. When you see footage of refugee families in UNHCR tents, you need to ask yourself: “What makes that possible in the midst of extreme devastation?” A huge network is needed to plan, deliver and sustain humanitarian assistance on this scale. It’s breathtaking. We hear so much about the dark side of human beings, but this is humanity at its best.

Richard (centre) alongside senior Buddhist monks and local Police during a humanitarian mission to bring food supplies to a refugee camp in Sri Lanka.
“Leaving a legacy that benefits others and contributes something positive to the world is part of ‘a life well lived’. A lot of people I know are extremely dispirited by what is happening in so many places today.
Many of us hoped we would be leaving hatred and bloodshed behind us and moving towards a vision of far greater respect for our shared humanity. I like to think that my gift to UNHCR will keep faith with that vision.”
If you’ve been inspired by Richard and Jane and would like to follow in their footsteps, visit our website here to find out more and read our Gift in Wills guide.