Refugee News & Stories
A message from our CEO: the rapid escalation in Afghanistan
An update from UK for UNHCR CEO Emma Cherniavsky on the humanitarian crisis rapidly unfolding in Afghanistan.
Immense human toll of spiralling hostilities in Afghanistan falls heaviest on women and children
As fighting intensifies across Afghanistan, around 80 per cent of those newly displaced are women and children.
The children of Yemen have been robbed of a normal childhood
Iman, a two-year-old displaced Yemeni girl in Aden fled Hudaydah with her parents and brother in May.
‘She makes me feel much better! … I feel safe, loved and ok to just be me.’
The Launchpad Collective Co-founder Jane discusses life with her ‘bonus child’ Mohamad.
“A refugee is… my wonderful mum”
Suzanne shares her mother’s story of resistance and hope.
“There have been nights when we had nothing at all to eat.”
A widowed mother-of-four is among the 287,000+ Afghans displaced.