Sanctuary in the midst of danger: 52 postcards of hope in times of desperation
Sanctuary in the midst of danger: 52 postcards of hope in times of desperation San Francisco-born, York-based artist Linda Combi shares what inspired her to use her talents as an artist to support refugees 26.05.23 More stories © Linda Combi I think that everyone...
Sport for good
Sport for good In celebration of the International Day of Sport for Peace and Development, we’re highlighting the sports clubs, community fundraisers, athletes and supporters standing with refugees around the world. 06.04.23 More stories Sport plays a vital role...
Pedaling for a Purpose: One Cyclist’s Journey to Highlight the Plight of Refugees
Pedaling for a Purpose: One Cyclist’s Journey to Highlight the Plight of Refugees Cyclist Theo Foster aims to finish a 40,000 km round-the-world bike ride to raise awareness for refugees. 28.03.23 More stories I’ve been a keen cyclist for years, I always...
‘Be a voice to the voiceless’
‘Be a voice to the voiceless’ Sudanese doctor and poet Noon Salah Eldin shares the inspiration behind her work 06.01.23 More stories Poetry has been a big part of my life for a long time. What initially started as hobby by writing poetry in Arabic when I was 13 has...
Packets for people: creating survival items from recycled crisp packets
Packets for people: creating survival items from recycled crisp packets Gillian shares what inspired her to create survival blankets and sleeping bags for rough sleepers in the UK and refugees abroad. 24.12.22 More stories © Sandy McCook/DC Thomson. When the UK went...
Beauty for Ukraine
Beauty for Ukraine The beauty businesses uniting to support Ukraine 26.05.2022 More stories In March this year, over 75 beauty businesses from around the world united for #BeautyForUkraine and pledged a portion of their revenue to the UK for UNHCR Emergency Appeal...
The UK’s first Station of Sanctuary
The UK’s first Station of Sanctuary Bradford Interchange is awarded for going above and beyond to welcome people forced to flee 17.05.2022 More stories © UNHCR/Hannah Maule-ffinch A station in Bradford has been awarded the first-ever Station of Sanctuary title...
“I’ve never been a ‘sit on the sofa and watch the world go by’ kind of guy”
“I’ve never been a ‘sit on the sofa and watch the world go by’ kind of guy” Long-time supporter James Overton reflects on his latest fitness challenge 13.04.2022 More stories © UNHCR/Maciej Moskwa James Overton has never been a ‘sit on the sofa and watch the world...