Hiker Scales Ben Nevis to raise vital funds for refugees 

After discovering a love for hiking, Sara turned her passion into action, raising money to help refugees through UK for UNHCR.


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My love for hiking started during the COVID period.  

With travel restrictions in place, I explored and discovered so many beautiful places across the UK. I even joined a hiking group and made some amazing friends.  

After conquering Scafell Pike in Cumbria and Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) in Wales, Ben Nevis in the northwest Highlands was the next adventure on my list.  

But this time, I wanted my hike to mean more.

I have always been passionate about helping and supporting refugees.  

As the child of immigrant parents, I understand the challenges faced by those forced to leave their homes to start over somewhere completely different. 

The tragedy in south-eastern Türkiye and northern Syria and the huge loss of life that followed the two devastating earthquakes was extremely heartbreaking.  

I thought hiking Ben Nevis would be a fantastic opportunity to raise funds to support UNHCR’s earthquake response efforts. 

Raising funds for UNHCR felt like the perfect way to channel my energy and support a cause close to my heart. 

To prepare for the challenge, I did a few weekend hikes and a lot of rigorous training on the stair machine in the gym (which is my least favourite!).  

On the day of the hike, we were lucky in some ways not to face many difficulties. However, as it was a warm day, the heat did become challenging especially when I ran out of water!  

Despite this, I was with amazing friends, and we supported each other with so much positive energy.  

Arriving at the top of Ben Nevis felt amazing. The views were spectacular, and we were lucky enough to have our well-earned lunch at the summit.

Sara stands at the summit of Ben Nevis.

Sara at the summit of Ben Nevis.

Fundraising can be intimidating, especially when it comes to asking for donations. But when you’re passionate about your cause and communicate that passion, people respond. 

To spread the word, I talked about my hike and fundraiser with friends, family and colleagues.

I shared my JustGiving page on WhatsApp groups, Instagram and my WhatsApp status, but it was mainly the power of word of mouth that really made the difference.  

My friends and family were incredibly generous because they saw how impactful their contributions would be. I never imagined I would raise so much. 

For anyone considering fundraising, I think as long as you’re enthusiastic, other people will be too! 


To read more inspiring supporter and refugee stories, please click here 

To find out more about how you can fundraise for refugees visit our community fundraising portal.

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