In our increasingly volatile world, stand proudly with refugees

Now more than ever, it’s vital we show our support for those who have been forced to flee.


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Photo: © UK for UNHCR / Cebo Luthuli
We all too often see news footage of refugees fleeing for their lives in places like Sudan, Ukraine and Afghanistan. We can’t help but be moved when we see the sense of shock, loss and uncertainty on parents’ faces, as they frantically try to get their children to safety, carrying a few hurriedly packed belongings on their backs with them.    

Recently, we marked one year since war broke out in Sudan, forcing more than 8.6 million people from their homes.  

In the face of such suffering and injustice, we can sometimes feel powerless and overwhelmed. That’s why we’re launching our Refugee Ribbon appeal.  

We’ve launched this appeal to help ensure families fleeing conflict right now get the aid that can save their lives – and are asking supporters and advocates to wear the Refugee Ribbon throughout June, to show solidarity with refugees.

Your support means the world to displaced people, like Maysara from Syria. With UNHCR’s help, he is now happily settled in the UK, but he can never forget the ordeal of fleeing in fear of his life when he was just 13. 


Maysara’s story

Pictire of refugee Maysara
“The displaced people I meet tell me that UNHCR’s support gives them resilience and the strength to go on. It demonstrates to them that somebody is caring for them and understanding what they are going through.”

“Wearing a ribbon tells forcibly displaced people that you see the human beings beyond the numbers and headlines, and recognise our common humanity.

And it shows people who are displaced right now – like so many families from Ukraine are – that they remain in our thoughts and hearts, and that we are committed to stand up for their protection and dignity.”

Photo: UK for UNHCR storyteller Maysara proudly wearing his Refugee Ribbon.

Maysara will be supporting the Appeal and wearing his ribbon in June because he knows first-hand the hardships that refugees endure. He wants to show that behind the headlines and statistics are people like him, and people like you and I: sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, partners and friends.

Stand with refugees and join our incredible community this June

“The displaced people I meet tell me that UNHCR’s support gives them resilience and the strength to go on. It demonstrates to them that somebody is caring for them and understanding what they are going through.”

“Wearing a ribbon tells forcibly displaced people that you see the human beings beyond the numbers and headlines, and recognise our common humanity. And it shows people who are displaced right now – like so many families from Ukraine are – that they remain in our thoughts and hearts, and that we are committed to stand up for their protection and dignity.”

Karolina Lindholm Billing

UNHCR Representative for Ukraine

“To all the refugees, the dreamers around the world, I wear this blue ribbon today hoping that one day, all of our dreams will come true.”

“Before having to flee Syria I had never missed a cherry blossom season in my home town. I never thought I would ever miss it even once, let alone twelve years in a row. I have a dream that one day I will return to witness that beautiful cherry blossom again, that I will smell that unmatched, heavenly smell again.”

Deema Darwish

Syrian Refugee

“We are so lucky and proud to be able to wear our ribbons in a peaceful, secure place.

Supporting UNHCR is our way of helping refugee families across the world find some peace and safety.”

Jude and Simon

UK for UNHCR supporters

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