Tigray emergency: one year on  

This is a situation update on the ongoing crisis in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. 

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It’s been a year since fighting began in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, causing thousands of people to flee their homes.

Fearing for their lives, tens of thousands of individuals and their families have sought refuge in Sudan where they are sheltering in transit centres. Many more are displaced within Tigray region, including Eritrean refugees.

Right now, thousands of people are in desperate need of emergency aid. Thousands of children, men and women are not able to get enough to eat. Families are starving and 90% of crops have been lost in the last year. 

But lack of access to the Tigray region continues to significantly hinder the humanitarian response.

Nevertheless, UNHCR has been able to provide for some of those in need.

For example, in Um Rakuba camp in eastern Sudan, UNHCR together with partners and the Sudanese government, opened a health clinic and nutrition centre. Every day, parents bring their children to the clinic for nutritional screening. Ethiopian refugees and host community members can access health services free of charge. A learning centre was established so children could resume their education and regain some sense of normalcy. 

From building health clinics and learning centres to distributing critical supplies, generosity from our supporters makes a vital difference to displaced people in Ethiopia and around the world as they search for safety. 


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