
Our latest annual report: 2023 

Annual review 2023
In 2023, our supporters and partners helped fund £18 million of relief programmes around the world.

In 2023, our supporters and partners helped fund £18 million of relief programmes around the world.

This included protection for people fleeing war or violence in Sudan, Ukraine and Armenia, and survivors of natural disasters including the Türkiye-Syria earthquakes and the Libya floods. Longer term solutions were also funded, such as tertiary education scholarships and climate change mitigation work.

More than 51,000 people across the UK donated to support refugees through our work and our social media community grew to 54,000 followers.

Public support also helped us deliver national campaigns to raise awareness of global humanitarian crises and create a more positive dialogue about what it means to be a refugee.

Past UK for UNHCR reports

Our annual reports provide an overview of our activities and the impact of our contributions to relief operations around the world. These are published below and also submitted to the Charity Commission.

2020 UK for UNHCR Annual report

Annual Report 2022

2020 UK for UNHCR Annual report

Annual Report 2021

2020 UK for UNHCR Annual report

Annual Report 2020

Past UNHCR global reports

The latest Global Trends report, published in June 2024, provides key statistical trends on forced displacement.

Global Trends Report 2023

The Annual report for 2023 that looks into global displacement crises, trends and data.

Education Report 2023

The education report for 2023 provides a detailed global overview of refugee education and enrolment.
Global Trends 2020

Global Trends 2022

The Annual report for 2022 that looks into global displacement crises, trends and data.
Global Trends 2020

Global Trends 2021

The Annual report for 2021 that looks into global displacement crises, trends and data.
Global Trends 2020

Global Trends 2020

The Annual report for 2020 that looks into global displacement crises, trends and data.
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