Become a Corporate Partner

How your company can show solidarity with displaced people globally   

Photo: ©UNHCR/Alissa Everett

When you do choose to support UK for UNHCR, you join a movement of like-minded, passionate Corporate Partners, from all sectors, who stand with refugees all over the world.
Join our community at UK for UNHCR to make a meaningful difference to the lives of many.

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Case study image

Become a Partner

Becoming a Corporate Partner offers a unique opportunity to engage both your customers and staff, whilst helping to transform lives. 

Photo: ©UNHCR/Benjamin Loyseau

Our Corporate Partners contribute to UNHCR’s emergencies and global priorities, and receive an array of unique benefits, including:

Partner Hub

Bespoke support on the use of our Partner Hub.


Your company listed as a Partner on our website and annual report. You can see our current Partners below. 

Communications support

Including the use of UK for UNHCR’s logo and social media acknowledgement.

Employee engagement

Organise exclusive presentations for your colleagues and invitations to Partner events. 

Partner Newsletter

Receive our regular updates, which contain a variety of news, insights and stories.

Employment service

Join the UK for UNHCR Refugee Employment Project for support in integrating refugees into your workforce.

Our Corporate Partners



Fondation CHANEL


Squarepoint Foundation

Virgin Atlantic Foundation

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, we would love to hear from you. Please email the Corporate Partnerships Team at

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